Duty Reporting - Excise Duties

avaldaja Abakion

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Automate calculation and reporting of duty. Get accurate cost and margin for all sales and purchases

The Duty Reporting app makes it easier to handle all kinds of excise duties on items through your supply chain in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

This solution helps you by automatically calculating excise duties when you trade items, and reporting correctly to the authorities.

This is the solution for companies that trade in taxable goods - but want to avoid the manual work of calculating and handling excise duties.

Main benefits

  • You get a correct picture of costs and revenues for all items.
  • You save time calculating taxes and reporting to authorities. And you do not have to manually calculate item prices with excise duties. It is usually a heavy process, so you save a lot of manual labor.

Main features

  • Duty Reporting calculates excise duties when goods are traded - also with differences between foreign and domestic trade.
  • The solution calculates how much you must report and pay to the authorities.
  • The duties are automatically included in the price of the item, so you get a correct contribution margin on the posted sales line in Business Central.

In short: Duty Reporting automates calculation and reporting of any kind of excise duties in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Abakion is a leading provider of apps for Business Central. Among the top-100 most popular apps, 21 are from Abakion. We were among the first on AppSource, and today we offer a comprehensive suite of 30+ apps. You even get a big discount with our App Bundle. Abakion is a one-stop shop for Apps.

Supported editions: This app supports both the Essential and Premium edition.
Supported countries: All countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available, except Switzerland.
Supported languages: English, Danish
